
A fistful of my freshest projects. Ordered in a chronological fashion, assigned to at least one of categories for convenience and ready for Your observation.


Hey there, I'm Leszek Pietrzak. A long time ago I've put a block into my nose, just to get my grandpa to drive me to the hospital with his new car. Then, in an youthful uncertainity I've weaved algorithms for space rockets. Ouch! "Houston, we have a problem". After a safe landing on the surface of the homeworld, with calm wisdom and secretive reading about what's going on, I've discovered the dark secret of Doctor Truth. Shattered, I began to multi-seek for solutions to absurd paradoxes. I created my electronic mail address:

Currently, while grabbing all the possible existence to the moths' cage, I rejoice in the traces of ink on paper, caress flapping mini-loops and absorb the illuminations. I've settled a transit camp at the lookout Warsaw, Poland with Natalia and hopes for near teleportation. I have my simultaneous multi-existences at github, rateyourmusic and letterboxd -- come and say "hi".